
Kuringgai Kangaroo's Basketball Club


Opportunities to help Your Club

Published Fri 15 Sep 2023

With the season now well underway, Kuringgai Kangaroos Basketball Club needs your help. Our club is run entirely by a very small group of dedicated parent volunteers, but we are growing and we need more volunteers to help us continue that growth!  If you can give a little of your time to help we would love to hear from you.  There are a number of opportunities… 

TREASURER - Responsible for the financial supervision and performance of the Club.   (4-6 hours per week)

SECRETARY - In partnership with the President, the Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the club is run in accordance with the club constitution, rules, by-laws, policies and procedures. (2-4 hours per week)

GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBER -Provide support and input to ensure the club sets and meets its goals and objectives.  (4-6 hour per month)

SOCIAL COORDINATOR- Planning our Presentation Day and other social Activities. 

ACCOUNTS COORDINATOR Assisting the Treasurer with the day to day financial operations of the Club (4-6 hours per week)

SOCIAL MEDIA & MARKETING COORDINATOR – Manage our social media accounts and post relevant content. (2-4 hours per week)

AGE MANAGERS - Coordination of teams in designated age group, liaising with, and providing assitance to team managers and coaches.  (2-4 hours per week)

CASUAL VOLUNTEERS – please contact basketball@kkbc.com.au to put your name forward to help us with special events.

If you would like to assist in any way not listed above, we would also love to hear from you.  


Please contact us at basketball@kkbc.com.au if you are able to help or want to know more.


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